Fighting to broadcast copyright programs with new clever devices
Mobile markets in Asia and Europe provides faster network services at lower cost to their customers and freedom to choose than in the U.S. Taking a lesson from this, T-Mobile, the fourth largest mobile phone carrier in the U.S., recently announced that it will pay early termination fees charged by other carriers to switch to T-Mobile.
There are many providers including Aereo that provide streaming TV services including television broadcast shows on the Internet to mobile carriers mainly for smartphones and tablets. The cost of the service they provide is approximately $8 a month. The biggest issue is copyright where a fee is required to be paid to the copyrighted content to the holder for using their material. But many are finding ways to get around this by coming up with new clever devices. These include small devices that pick up broadcast signals and function as an antenna that belongs to the customer not the service provider. This way it becomes a private viewing rather than a rebroadcast that falls under the copyright law. The method is not without controversy. Broadcasters think that the practice is illegal and fighting back with lawsuits in courts.